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Are you an EMCR interested in learning more creating and evidencing research impact but not sure where to start?

The ‘Optimising Research Impact’ workshops are tailored to the needs of EMCRs. The workshops are designed to help you to develop practical, actionable strategies to optimise the non –academic (or societal) impact of your research. Throughout the workshops, you will be guided through the RISE framework, which breaks down the impact journey into four key steps:

R – Explore Relevance

IIdentify stakeholders

SShare for impact

EEvidence impact

At the completion of the 2 x 2-hour workshops you will:

  • Understand the difference between academic and non-academic (or societal) impact
  • Identify the key societal problems your research addresses
  • Map key stakeholders and prioritise stakeholders for future engagement
  • Refine the core messages you want to communicate about your research
  • Identify the best channels to reach your key stakeholders
  • Learn about different ways to capture evidence of your research impact

The workshops are delivered by the IHES Research and Impact team- Prof Melinda Craike and Dr Mary Woessner, who have expertise in both the science and practice of knowledge translation and maximising research impact.

Thursday 6 March 2025, 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Building P, P134, Footscray Park

Prof Melinda Craike and Dr Mary Woessner - IHES Research and Impact team


Register for the workshop HERE on VU Develop.

For more information about this session please email Researcher.Development@vu.edu.au

For / category:
Research impact & dissemination

Upcoming sessions

Time Zone: Sydney, Melbourne (change)

10:00am - 1:00pm, .
1:00pm - 2:30pm, Building M, M001, Footscray Park.
10:00am - 12:30pm, .